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Leveraging on social media platforms
Nimechanuka conducts online advocacy activities/campaigns, chats and webinars that aim at influencing positive policy change, such as national law reform, updated standards and guidelines, commitments by policymakers, and the integration of safe abortion and actions plans on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Capacity building youth champions and grass root organizations
In order to ensure sustainability and continuity of advocacy activities in the community, Nimechanuka supported by Ipas conducts trainings, webinars and forums that aim at enhancing skills and knowledge of youth champions especially those in Community Based Organizations, on advocacy messaging, opposition monitoring and resource mobilization for advocacy activities. This has enabled champions influence adoption and implementation of policies and guidelines at the grassroot level.

Building Networks
Nimechanuka works with likeminded platforms, organizations and individuals to advocate for adolescent and young people’s sexual reproductive health and rights at national and region level. This also enables experience sharing and planning for joint advocacy activities. This collective action builds strong partnerships and motivation within the networks.