With over 25 million women and girls around the world having unsafe abortions, we work to bring that number to zero through various girl-centered initiatives aimed at enhancing access to information, networks as well as care where required, with regard to contraception as well as abortion services.
2018 – 2019 Impact
Where We Work
Our research across the country shows that contraceptive counselling is not always offered when women or girls use Medical Abortion on their own. Our team has spent time with women, girls, pharmacists, and others in the community and together we have developed some ideas for things that might help people start using a contraceptive after medical abortion and continue to use it. We are now testing those ideas to make sure they work, and people like them. If we need to make changes to improve things, we will do so.
In order to learn how things are working, we ask women, girls, pharmacists and community mobilisers working with us to give feedback several times over the coming 1 ½ years. Sometimes this feedback is in a survey, sometimes in an interview, and sometimes we ask questions over the internet, Facebook, or WhatsApp. We hope that all women and girls who receive support from Post Medical Abortion Contraceptive (PMAC), no matter how small, are willing to talk to us about their experience.